Monday, August 29

Sweet potato

It is a multi-year culture of vegetables that originated in South America, belongs to the botanical family of Morning glory has nothing to do with potatoes, although it partially resembles. In addition to the exceptional taste and modest breeding requirements, this is a great vegetable source of energy, minerals and vitamins, and supplies the body with important antioxidants. So far, this happened vegetables poorly known, due to its make it nutritional and medicinal properties should be included in the daily diet.

Its biggest value of the large amount of beta-carotene, 200 grams of sweet potato provides the same amount of beta-carotene as five pounds of broccoli and 140 grams of vegetables provides a complete need for vitamin E, which is extremely important because it protects against heart problems. Energy is a food with low glycemic index, which allows the weaker absorption of glucose, and no harmful effects on the body.

 Sweet potato is not potato but we are cook everything such it is potato:)


  1. whoa, i never knew sweet potatoes were so healthy, very cool +follow!

  2. From now on I'm eating all my potatoes. :D

  3. Sweet potato is not potato? :confused:
    By nutrient value it's similar to carrot :o

  4. I believe Americans call these yams.
    Anyhow, I really hate it when people prepare sweet potatoes like the regular potatoes. That doesn't taste good. 'Cause, you know, these are sweet and on regular potatoes you put salt.
    So, in the end, you have something that should taste sweet with salt on it. :D

  5. Mmm those are so delicious, but I did not know that they were so good for me though! Thanks for the info, I am going to start cooking and eating them more often. :)

  6. I've never tried sweet potato ;[

  7. of my favorite foods!

  8. didnt know this thanks for the info!! following!

  9. It's.. not a potato? Cool

  10. Man, that is the alpha of beta vegetables.

  11. We call em Batatas in Argentina. I really really like those. If you haven't tried em, you should. Fried sweet potatoes are great.

  12. love me some sweet potato!

  13. I like sweet potato fries, though those aren't quite as healthy.

  14. Cool blog! I'd love to eat healthier and you got alot of great info here!

  15. i dont like its texture, its usally too mushy

  16. Haha. I like your blog. It's a different subject, allright!
    Kinda weird to hear them being called "sweet potato". In my country we just call them "batatas".

  17. yeah, they're good when prepared right

  18. BTW...aslo made you blog of the day.

  19. great post
    i like your blog (:
