Monday, August 29


Parsley is a biennial vegetable crops, which in the first year of vegetation develops a creamy white root of a conical shape with Parsley Root canals, or Wedge shaped with Listas.
With Parsley Root canals root can grow to a length about 25 cm in the widest part of a diameter up to 5 cm.
At the head of the root is shortened stem with a rosette consisting of Eucalyptus leaves with long stalks and feathery compiled coot. Coots are smooth, and some varieties of parsley and curly Listas. The leaves are very well recovered, so the parsley leaves Listas be several times during the growing season or mow obirati.
In the second year of vegetation transition in the generative phase of developing a grenade parsley, about 1 m high flower stalk upon which the peaks form umbellate inflorescences composed of was the willingness of flowers. The flowers have five petals yellowish lapovo and the same number of stamens and pistils with podraslom dvogradnom one ovary and ovules.
Parsley fruit is about 3 mm long kalavac which decays into two plodića representing the seed. The seed is grayish-brown color. Mass of 1000 seeds is usually 1.5 to 2.0 g, and one gram has 600-800 seeds. Seed germination holds up to 3 years.

This is the spice .. put in any food! :)


  1. I've never eaten them. :/

  2. Isn't more of a garnish? And even then most people just shove it off their food before eating.

  3. Parsley is inserted into each soup!

  4. I luv this plant, can't eat any meat without it!

  5. Parsley is a good spice

  6. I love cooking with parsley. The fresh stuff, not the stuff in a jar.

  7. Huh, I didn't know it looked like that on the seed

  8. I second Gizmo. Plus, baked potatoes.

  9. Oh, my folks put this in everything! :D
    But, you know, it really freshens up any dish. And it looks classy! :D

  10. Nice. Never thought about the parsley fruit before, only the little useless green bits if leaf i find on my food.

  11. Parsley along with coriander and dill are probably my favorite ingredients of that kind.

  12. parsley is one of the things i love to add when cooking

  13. its been a while, but I myself have returned!
    Great post!!

  14. those look like carrots with the flu

  15. Woah Woah, i didnt even know Biannual growing circles existed! +followed

  16. Wow! Ton of information on parsley! This is great. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. I used to work a produce department, people sure do love their parsley

  18. Parsley is amazing stuff, but I did not know this much about it though, thanks for the information.
